Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Finding a Therapist

I was exposed to the field of Psycholgy in my early teens, but my priority at that stage in life was being out, running the streets playing. Once in a while, I'd read an interesting article in Psychology Today. I did listen to analysis of everyday events by a couple of psychologists once in a while too.
Back then, I thought that field was all fluff and added no value to life.

Fast fwd a few years later, in a different environment. I'm older, with more responsibilities and life is moving at a faster pace. I had only me to deal with my own slacking and mistakes.
Observing others around me, how different people handled the same challenges I faced and imagining how I would have handled same challenges if I were not in this new environment, was enlightening.
That was when I started to see the human psyche in a completely different way.

I now believe that our psyche can be isolated and managed.
Managed in a way that if a person is not doing too well, their psyche can be fine-tuned to get the person in a better, stronger frame of mind.
Since we all do not have the same level of fortitude, some of us do just fine with our family as our therapists.
I hope it becomes easier for people to see shrinks. I can't avoid shrinks though. A couple of them are family members I can't disown. LoL

not to scare anyone who reads this but here's something I found "Delayed neuropsychiatric effects of malaria in Ghana" Watchout for those mosquitoes. :-)